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«The rebirth of your Unique Voice. Audiovisual alchemy»

This channel is coming soon!
5. Respiro la Vida, presente
31. Mi ojo se enraiza a la Tierra
24. Aceptandome como Soy ahora
23. Sonrio a la Vida
16. Pura entrega
18. Regenerada, me alzo del nuevo hacia el Oceano
30. El Ojo que todo lo Ve
29. Regreso a Casa, sin pensarlo
27. Aceptando todo de mi
28. Solo con el Corazón se puede ver con claridad
26. Corazón Alado
4. Cada paso me acerca al Corazón
23. Sonrio a la Vida
10. Hacia Dios Miro
8. Vida
7. Entrega
25. De dentro a afuera
21. Vida es Sagrada
22. Mirada de complicidad
20. Mirando hacia dentro, Veo
19. En humildad y reverencia al misterio
17. Soberana de la Vida
14. Vida Soberana
13. Recordando la Verdad
12. Regresando sólo a ser
11. Sintiendo la Vida
9. Aquí
6. Yo Soy
1. El compromiso. Las Rosas
3. Caminando
2. El camino de regreso a Casa
23. Sonrio a la Vida
51. Respiro
50. El regalo
46. Se hizo la Luz
40. Magia en presencia
32. Renaciendo en la Luz de la Verdad
47. De pié.
32. Renaciendo en la Luz de la Verdad
35. Sentirlo todo
33. Aceptando a mi Niña
49. Hogar
48. Espiritu encuerpado
45. Me levando de nuevo
44. Cerca de Dios
43. Verdad es
42. Me abrazo
41. Hacia el Océano
39. Mirar la Vida desde otro punto de Vista
37. La Risa nace de nuevo
38. La sencillez de Ser
36. Mia despierta
34. Into the Ocean
35. Sentirlo todo

«If you continue in my word, you will be true; you will know the truth, and the truth we will set you free.  (John 8, 31-42)

24. Aceptandome como Soy ahora.jpg

Received..integrating..wonderful. Wow. Awaken the greatness of God in my heart. Anchoring, alchemy, spirit, matter, god in me, remembering divine essence, outside masks.....

From my grateful heart connected with divinity, I recognize that I am a daughter of God and that the only way is to God. Inwards. Alchemy has brought me to trust my body and let myself be seen without masks and from within feel the presence and guidance of my spirit.


I feel lucky to see everything more and more clearly.

I surrender but I am patient to integrate in myself this process that is already happening in my heart.

MARCELA - Real State ( Carebbean, MEXICO )

Immerse myself discovering myself


  • A photographic craft session where I photograph you portraying the rebirth of your unique Voice, that of your project. 30 artisan photographs representing your essence. Onsite.



  • Each session was guided through Cyclic Voice​, so that you surrender to your essence through my camera. On-line.

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22. Mirada de complicidad .jpg



  • A photographic craft session where I photograph you portraying the rebirth of your unique Voice, that of your project. 30 artisan photographs representing your essence. Onsite.


  • Una  audiovisual craft video from 3 to 6 min. synthesizing your unique Voice,  la of your project. Onsite.


  • Each session was guided through Cyclic Voice​, so that you surrender to your essence through my camera. On-line.

Full confidence in me


  • A piece of audiovisual craft video from 3 to 6 min. synthesizing your unique Voice, your essence, that of your project. Onsite.


  •  A theme of music from La Mar en Voz,  original, with copyright.


  • I guide each session through Voz Cíclica​, so that you surrender to your essence, while I portray you. On-line.

IMG_9622 Kopie.jpg

Be in motion


  • A piece of Audiovisual Crafts video from 3 to 6 min. synthesizing your unique Voice, your essence, that of your project. Onsite.


  • I guide each session through Voz Cíclica​, so that you surrender to your essence, while I portray you. On-line.



Con great care, we co-create from rediscovering your Voice, all the communication material that represents your clearest essence: photography, video, musicoriginal ica.

That reflects your essence of  Woman in the world and at the service of the planet.

Through my CYCLIC VOICE method I guide your natural presence before my camera .​

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